Our Mission

To be a forum where the tax administration and policy issues most relevant to Pacific Island countries can be discussed and where experiences can be shared.
Promote closer cooperation and coordination of information sharing in tax administration and policy formulation in pacific countries.
Help promote international standards and best tax administration practices, suitable to the characteristics of the Pacific Island countries.
Encourage taxation institutions to design and adopt strategies to modernize and enhance their effectiveness and efficiency.
Enhance administrative skills and encourage the development of high professional standards by facilitating training and the dissemination of resource materials.


“Covering a wide range of subjects and challenges that are pertinent to our real-world case studies, the sessions were educational. Major learnings for me were the importance of Industry and Issues specific risk assessment and profiling to carry out proper planning and audit execution for better results. And in line with that, we can run targeted training programs to equip auditors before we send them out. Another takeaway for me is the insights into MNE tax planning.”

Ms. Carine Waiaki
Team Leader - Internal Revenue Commission - PAPUA NEW GUINEA

“I took back several key learnings to share with my team. Some of the technical discussions during the workshop were very informative. Case studies, transfer pricing and compliance risk management were the important learnings for me. I will share the case studies with my team and apply some of the new learnings to current tax cases.”

Mr. Raj Virmani
Senior Tax Auditor/Team Leader - Revenue Management Division - COOK ISLANDS

“The workshop exceeded my expectations. The setup was highly engaging, allowing participants to share thoughts and collectively discuss similar issues. It was insightful to see different perspectives and approaches, and the facilitators guided us step-by-step on tackling these matters. I gained a deep understanding of complex tax technical issues and fostered valuable relationships with tax officials from other Pacific countries.”

Ms. Losaline Mahe
Principal Revenue Officer - Audit & Investigation Ministry of Revenue and Customs - TONGA

“The content itself was highly beneficial, relevant and eye opening to my work and interests. It was good to be made aware of the global issues surrounding ecommerce and its effects on VAT. The discussions on this topic and the effects e-commerce has on VAT in developed countries was an eye opener and something we as a small country can learn from and prepare for as we move into becoming a developed nation.”

Ms. Tepu Kea
Team Leader- Inland Revenue - Revenue Management Division COOK ISLANDS

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