January 1, 2003
The idea of PITAA was first floated in a meeting in Tonga.
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January 1, 2004

1st PITAA Annual Heads Meeting was conducted in Suva, Fiji. The Meeting was attended by eight (8) Tax Administrators from the region.
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January 1, 2012
Members agreed for Fiji to host the Interim PITAA Secretariat while efforts were explored for the permanent establishment of the PITAA Secretariat.
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January 1, 2013

The Interim PITAA Secretariat was established within the Fiji Revenue & Customs Authority International Relations Section. The PITAA Constitution and Charter was formalized and signed by the PITAA Members.
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January 1, 2015
PITAA Members formally agreed to the PITAA Secretariat structure and the establishment of a permanent PITAA Secretariat in Suva, Fiji.
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January 1, 2016
PITAA Secretariat’s Host Country Agreement was signed by Fiji’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Interim Head of Secretariat- PITAA and FRCA Chief Executive Officer. Appointment of the Head of Secretariat and PITAA Staff.
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