Port Vila, Vanuatu – The 21st Pacific Islands Tax Administrators Association (PITAA) Annual Heads Meeting officially commenced on 16th September 2024, in Port Vila, Vanuatu. The meeting, which runs until the 18th of September, is centered around the theme “Navigating Challenging Seas: Charting the Course of Modern Taxation in the Pacific.” This prestigious event brings together key tax administration officials from across the Pacific and the world, with 13 out of 16 member countries represented, alongside international delegates.

The official opening ceremony was officiated by the Minister for Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) of the Government of Vanuatu, Hon. Johnny Koanapo Rasou, who delivered a compelling keynote address emphasizing the need for efficient and effective revenue collection is paramount.

“To improve revenue mobilization, we must continue to explore innovative solutions tailored to the unique circumstances of our island nations. This includes enhancing tax compliance, broadening the tax base, and leveraging international cooperation to address cross-border challenges such as tax evasion and illicit financial flows. Our ability to secure and stabilize our economies hinges on our commitment to these goals,” he remarked.

Hon. Johnny Koanapo Rasou also highlighted that a tax administration is only as strong as those who compromise it.

“We must also emphasize the importance of leadership—ensuring that our tax administrations are led by individuals who are not only technically proficient but also visionary, capable of guiding their teams through the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead,” he added.

The outgoing PITAA Chair, Commissioner General PNG Internal Revenue Commission, Mr. Sam Koim, expressed his gratitude for the collaborative efforts of all member countries during his tenure.

“It has been a privilege to lead this organization during a great change. Together, we are building a future where our tax administrations can meet the financial needs of our countries, fostering sustainable development across our region,” he stated.

As the incoming PITAA Chair, Acting Director of the Department of Customs and Inland Revenue of Vanuatu, Mr. Collins Gesa, shared his enthusiasm and expressed his sincere appreciation to the Outgoing Chair, Mr. Sam Koim, all the PITAA Members for all their unwavering supports and assistances provided to the PITAA Secretariat, the regional and the international partners and everyone present at the 21st PITAA Annual Heads Meeting, representing the many voices and experiences that define the rich tapestry of the Pacific region.

“I am honoured to take on this and I look forward to continuing the work of my predecessor, Mr. Sam Koim, and to strengthening regional cooperation to ensure that we are well-equipped to navigate these challenges,” said Mr. Gesa.

The meeting is expected to address key issues such as the impact of digitalization on tax systems, regional cooperation, improving revenue mobilization in the Pacific and the capacity development opportunities. Delegates from across the region and internationally are participating in this week’s discussions aimed at creating tailored solutions for the Pacific region.

The Vanuatu Department of Customs and Inland Revenue in coordination with the PITAA Secretariat have played a crucial role in organizing this year’s Annual Heads Meeting, ensuring a platform for meaningful dialogue and cooperation.

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