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PITAA-PFTAC Regional Workshop on Gender in Practice in Pacific Revenue Administration

April 13, 2023 @ 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

As you are aware, the workshop in August 2022 opened a leadership discussion on global and regional trends on this important global agenda and introduced some stark realities which were collectively action planned into four key thematic areas, namely:

  1. Workforce strategy
  2. Collaboration
  3. Data strategy
  4. Taxpayer services

To ensure we all collectively maintain momentum and commitment to this global development agenda, Fane Vave (PFTAC short term expert) will lead this session aiming s to:

  • hear back from members on what participants and Revenue Administrations have done since the workshop.
  • provide a recap of global agenda and August workshop outcomes.
  • overview of Public Finance Management link to Gender & Revenue Administration.
  • provide an ISORA gender data update as of December 2022.
  • discuss how we can use ISORA information to inform decision making.
  • have two countries present their Country case study.
  • support you to develop a strategy and action plan to address where you are with the Gender agenda & where you want to be.
  • support you to move from strategy to implementation within your Revenue Administration.
  • receive nominations from you for a key focal point for Gender in your Administration.

In our Senior Leaders Seminars last year, we learned about the importance of good practices, performance standards, strategic planning and operational planning. We encourage members to add a gender lens to existing practices and plans with defined timelines. This might be including questions such as:

  1. What are the strategies and tasks that need to be completed or achieved?
  2. Who are the individuals responsible for tasks and strategies?
  3. When must each strategy be completed?
  4. How much will it cost?

Participation: To ensure we are all proactively engaged and prepared for the workshop, there are a few pre-work activities which we have set up to get participants into the headspace for open minded discussions. These include:

  1. Completion of an online
  2. A 5-minute Country update on gender in your administration at beginning of online workshop on:
    • what Attendees or your Administration have done since the August workshop 2022; or
    • if you are uncertain or unsure of what to do next, how can we support you to progress Gender discussions in your Administration?
  3. Collaboration: Identifying resource support needed to enable gender work to be progressed within your Administration.

Target Audience: The workshop is designed for leaders able to represent or influence in the four thematic areas: (1) workforce strategy; (2) collaboration with the community; (3) data and systems; (4) Taxpayer services and/or if you have a dedicated role or someone already leading work on gender and diversity in your administration. This seminar is virtual so there is no cap on numbers that can attend.

Nominations Close: 16 March 2023

If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please contact Petero Maivucevuce on email pmaivucevuce@pitaa.org or direct line (679) 7735 430.


April 13, 2023
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Event Category:

