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The session will outline the procedures and processes to help a Tax Administration to continue its critical operations in the event of an unexpected disruption, such as a natural disaster, cyber-attack, or pandemic. Some of the reasons why having a BCP is essential include:
Acknowledging the fact that PICs are facing challenges regarding health events, climate change causing rising sea levels, more frequent flooding, storm surges, cyclones and cybersecurity threats it is necessary to ensure that strong and well-designed business plans are in place to minimize the impact of unexpected events.
We look forward to meeting with you and hope we can provide constructive recommendations to create a wider understanding of BCPs and their place in modern Tax Administration. An IMF Technical Note on BCPs, Tax Administration: Designing a Business Continuity Plan for an Epidemic and will be utilized as a key information source in the delivery of the webinar.
We will be sending out a short survey a week before the webinar which we ask all PICs to complete. This information will provide us with insights into your own environments and contribute to discussions.
The webinar will take place on 15 March 2023 with a duration of 2 hours (Fiji time – 11 am – 1 pm).
Kindly contact Petero Maivucevuce on email for enquiries.