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As you are aware, the workshop in August 2022 opened a leadership discussion on global and regional trends on this important global agenda and introduced some stark realities which were collectively action planned into four key thematic areas, namely:
To ensure we all collectively maintain momentum and commitment to this global development agenda, Fane Vave (PFTAC short term expert) will lead this session aiming s to:
In our Senior Leaders Seminars last year, we learned about the importance of good practices, performance standards, strategic planning and operational planning. We encourage members to add a gender lens to existing practices and plans with defined timelines. This might be including questions such as:
Participation: To ensure we are all proactively engaged and prepared for the workshop, there are a few pre-work activities which we have set up to get participants into the headspace for open minded discussions. These include:
Target Audience: The workshop is designed for leaders able to represent or influence in the four thematic areas: (1) workforce strategy; (2) collaboration with the community; (3) data and systems; (4) Taxpayer services and/or if you have a dedicated role or someone already leading work on gender and diversity in your administration. This seminar is virtual so there is no cap on numbers that can attend.
Nominations Close: 16 March 2023
If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please contact Petero Maivucevuce on email or direct line (679) 7735 430.